Meet the Team

We are an ambitious team of university students from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Cleveland, Ohio determined to equip everyone with the tools to become a maker.


Connor W. Colombo

Founder, Head of R&D

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Clay Inman

Product Engineer


Kareem Agag

Director of Business Development

Why we do what we do.

Over the coming decades, companies will continue to rapidly replace people with automation. Thus, the only way for local communities to have reliable jobs is to create them themselves. This entails having technical expertise not only for building programs but also for building physical objects. To do this, people need to have easy and affordable access to all the tools necessary for bringing ideas to life in the 21st century.

This is where we come in. Ottia helps you create anything and our flagship product, the Ottia Maker Machine, allows anyone from enthusiasts to educators to have access to their own mini-factory able to 3D-print, laser engrave, make cookies, or nearly anything else for under $500.

Our Personal Manufacturing Manifesto

Personal Manufacturing for the Masses

Over the past decade, there has been explosive growth in a new market called Personal Manufacturing. Now, more than ever before, it has become possible for someone in a basement or makerspace to bring any idea to life in a handful of weekends with a handful of tools, without the wealth of investment that has been required in the past. This burgeoning field of personal manufacturing has creatively and economically empowered people in a truly unprecedented way.

However, using these technologies is prohibitive for many groups such as educators in matters of both cost and expertise. For example: knowing what to do with these machines (3D-printer, mill, etc.), typically takes having access to them. For many people without an accessible makerspace around, having access means buying these machines. Buying them typically entails spending 1000's of dollars on a bunch of machines that you don't know what you're going to do with. As a result, many institutions find that they can't justify such an expenditure and don't get involved in the industry.

We think that's a tragedy. We believe that it's of paramount importance that everyone get the opportunity to get their feet wet with these game-changing technologies and experience the creative freedom that they provide by bringing creativity into the 21st century. Ottia is our solution to finally getting personal manufacturing into the hands of the masses.


Interested in the future of this movement? Here are some of our favorite reads on the topic: